Thank you for your consideration in partnering with American Trade Secrets to provide contracting education to youth. American Trade Secrets was designed and created to help others understand the education and demands that successful contracting requires. We focus on creating new ways to teach these principles, that lead to effective results.
Our passion is to teach the fundamentals and principles of building concepts aligned with business administration phonics. We have tailored our courses to capture key components to the building and business cycle for students to engage in. The concepts taught are used in today’s economy and are relative to current industry standards.

Each course details aspects of building and business processes that are critical to any contracting companies’ success. Throughout the learning process of courses, students will have the opportunity to discover new capabilities within themselves under the guidance of professionals that will maximize their potential. Students will learn how to apply technology to current building philosophies. Allowing students to understand key strategies for providing effective business operations that will yield maximum growth.
Proper training in business administration is required for contracting for every business’s success relies heavily in this field. We have categorized the business administration process into modules that help the student understand the total business cycle. Modules are detailed on each course syllabus for students to register for courses that apply most to their needs.

As students’ complete courses they will learn the skills required to run and manage a contracting business with a skilled trade. Each phase of the business cycle will be taught in detail, students will analyze processes and learn how to apply them in their own operations. As we continue to build our curriculum and further our mission, we are currently fundraising for our ATS Vision Scholarship Fund 2023-2024.
American Trade Secrets is a continuing education provider for the State of Oregon: Construction Contractors Board and Landscaping Contractors Board. Our courses are available statewide, students can register on campus or online. Oregon licensed contractors can use their ATS course completion certificates to satisfy Oregon’s continuing education requirements. This results in Oregon contractors remaining licensed and improves their contracting business experience through education.

While we are dedicated and strive to deliver our best for licensed contractors in Oregon, we have tailored courses for youth and young adults. We recognize that there is a greater need in our communities today when it comes to employment opportunities. That need is the ability of families to afford program tuition to learn required trade skills for their career.
ATS has partnered with DHS to provide our educational services to low income and foster families in Oregon. We have developed the ATS Vision Scholarship Fund to help assist these families get tuition resources needed. This will give new employment opportunities for those who graduate from our courses and will create a real foundation to grow from. Providing them with the fundamentals to lead an independent productive lifestyle while pursuing their dream goals.
To help contribute to the solution of this problem, American Trade Secrets has created a donor matching scholarship fund.

This fund is called the ATS Vision Scholarship Fund and is used to pay for tuition expenses of qualified recipients. This means that 100% of your organization’s contribution will be applied to a recipient’s tuition.
If you or your organization donates $1000.00 to the ATS Vision Scholarship Fund, the full $1000.00 will be allocated for recipient’s tuition expenses and American Trade Secrets will match your contribution 1:1.
Meaning your $1000.00 donation matched by ATS is now worth $2000.00 in scholarships. Donors will also receive recognition and information on the impact that their donation has created.
Again, we thank you for your consideration in partnering with American Trade Secrets to provide a higher education and future to our scholarship recipients. We could not reach our full potential without donors like you. Your impact makes the biggest difference in someone’s life, when they can participate in our courses to build a real future. Here they will learn career skills that will serve them for life and provide them with the foundation to become contributors in their own communities.

Double your contribution today with our ATS Matching Challenge. Be a part of the solution, we invite you to become a donor today!